English language department of applied disciplines №3

Kafedra haqida

English language department of applied disciplines №3

The English Language Department of Applied Disciplines №3 of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University was established as part of the 3rd English Language Faculty on the basis of the order №318 of the Rector of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University U.Azizov on July 29, 2021 in order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution №9-2021 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On changes and additions to the standard staff of the management, technical, service and teaching staff of higher educational institutions" dated April 16, 2021 and the decision of the meeting of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University ​​ Board of Trustees dated July 7, 2021.

Currently, the department has 25 full-time professors and teachers. Of these, 5 senior teachers, 18 assistants (teachers), 2 trainee teachers, 1 British citizen. The department employs 10-15 substitute teachers at the expense of the evening education department. Professors and teachers of the department teach 1st year students of the Foreign Language and Literature (English) direction three specialized subjects: language skills integration, language aspects practice and reading and writing practice.

At the department 4 teachers are currently conducting scientific work on PhD dissertations as independent applicants. In addition, Turdaliev Bobur Muhammadali ugli, a teacher of English at the Languages Department of the Tashkent University of Applied Sciences, assigned to the department, is conducting scientific work on the topic “Methodology for applying the debate-discussions method in improving students’ speaking skills” to obtain a PhD degree in pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education.

The department has established constant cooperation with the secondary school №81 of Uchtepa district in Tashkent in the framework of educational, methodological, research and spiritual work. In addition, it cooperates with the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in terms of educational, methodological and innovative work.

Within the framework of implementation of the Presidential Decree №PF-5847 of October 8, 2013 "On approval of the Concept of Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" according to the employment contract № 20/22 of September 19, 2022 concluded between the Uzbekistan State World Languages University and Goodall Nigel Richard Keith, a citizen of Great Britain, the English Language Department of Applied Disciplines №3 has hired a foreign specialist.

Based on the order №21/3S of the University rector U.Azizov "On sending to foreign universities for training" on April 11, 2022 within the "Teachers Continuous Professional Development" program, a teacher of the department Agzamkhodjaeva S. successfully completed 4-week English Language Teaching/Tesol Methodology training course from May 30 to June 25, 2022 at the University of Portsmouth, UK, and received a corresponding certificate. During the visit, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Uzbekistan State World Languages University and the University of Portsmouth.


Dilovar Kamalova Azatxanovna
Kafedra mudiri English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Dildora Radjabova Karimberdiyeva
Katta O'qituvchi English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Ra'noxon Xodjayeva Akmalovna
Katta O'qituvchi English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Kseniya Novik Pavlovna
Senior teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Zemfira Kendjayeva Alimjanovna
EFL teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Kamola Mirzababayeva Uralovna
EFL Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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O'qituvchi English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Shokhsanam Shukurova Kakhramon kizi
EFL teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Iroda Nizomova Rahmon Qizi
Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Nodira Shukurova Bahtiyor qizi
EFL teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Munisxon Isamuxamedova Najmitdinovna
Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Dilnovoz Xudoyberdiyeva Ilhomovna
Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Dilnoza Kambarova Musakulovna
Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Musoxon Jakbarov Pulotovich
Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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Sadbarg Jumayeva Mirolimovna
Teacher English language department of applied disciplines №3

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