A meeting with officials of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan was organized at the State World Languages University ​​of Uzbekistan.

It was attended by the head of the Tashkent city transport department Jorayev Anvar Zaparovich, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs of UzSWLU V. Sadiyev, the head of the department for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs B. Eshbekov, Saida Yoldoshbekova, Dean of the Faculty of English Philology G. Ergasheva, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Philology D. Djurayev and Dean of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology H. Hakimov participated.

During the event, the expert informed about the establishment of a new bus route, reduction of bus distances, and replacement of a large-capacity bus for the convenience of students.

It was also discussed that problems can be solved by students' assessment of the bus service using the "Apps" application.

During the meeting organized in the form of an open dialogue, young people shared the issues, questions and suggestions that interested them.

2023-12-16 01-55

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