June 27 — On June 26, in connection with the day of press and mass media workers, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation held a press service of all higher education institutions at Tashkent State Law University "Press service of Higher Education Institutions - 2023. Higher Education A training seminar was organized on the topic "development of press services of international institutions: problems and legal solutions" and Otabek Ibragimov, press secretary of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, took part in it.

This training seminar was held in order to increase the effectiveness of press secretaries, to improve their skills in providing quick, impartial and complete information about the results of reforms related to the higher education system to the public, and to exchange experience with highly experienced mass media representatives in the national media space. 

In this seminar, the name of the State University of World Languages   of Uzbekistan was mentioned among the higher educational institutions with exemplary information service activities, and it was awarded with a letter of thanks by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.

2023-06-27 11-35

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