Dear young people, dear colleagues!

First of all, dear ones, I sincerely congratulate you on the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

December 8 is widely celebrated as the biggest holiday in our country every year. The Constitution is a high example of the political and legal thinking of our people, and it is a strong legal guarantee of our free and independent, peaceful and peaceful, prosperous life without dependence on anyone.

Until then, since 1992, the Constitution has been amended 15 times. This time, due to the large scale of changes, a new version of the document was adopted. As a result of the update, the number of items in the General Dictionary increased from 128 to 155, and the norms in it increased from 275 to 434. Overall, the Constitution was updated by 65 percent.

Our people supported the new version of the Constitution in the national referendum held on April 30 of this year. Determining the principle of "man - society - state" in our General Dictionary serves to ensure that the rights of every citizen of our country are the same before the law, regardless of his social status.

In the new version of our Constitution, a number of new norms related to the interests of young people and education have been expressed. In particular, Articles 50 and 51 clearly state that everyone has the right to education, that citizens have the right to obtain higher education at the expense of the state on the basis of selection in state educational organizations, and that higher education organizations have the right to academic freedom, self-management, research and teaching freedom in accordance with the law. was placed.

The determination of these topical issues at the level of the Constitution plays an important role in the development of education, in particular, higher education in our country, and in the end, educating young people to be mature people in all respects.

In addition, in Article 52 of the newly revised General Encyclopaedia, the work of teachers is recognized as the basis for the development of society and the state, the formation and upbringing of a healthy, well-rounded generation, the preservation and enrichment of the spiritual and cultural potential of the people, as well as the protection of the honor and dignity of state teachers. it was decided to take care of their social and material well-being, professional growth.

It is true that this is a practical expression of efforts aimed at increasing the status and position of pedagogues in our country.

In the words of the President, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan has become an important document of a perfect level, which every compatriot is proud to call "My Constitution".
I would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate you on December 8 - Constitution Day from the bottom of my heart, and wish you all good health, peace and blessings in your homes!

2023-12-08 10-12

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