On April 30, at the initiative of the 1st English Faculty, a student scientific-practical conference titled "Exploring English, pedagogical innovations, and language teaching" was organized at UzSWLU. The conference commenced with an opening address by Professor Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov, the Rector of Uzbekistan State World Languages University. Following his remarks, Associate Professor Otabek Yusupov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Affairs, and Associate Professor Akmal Yuldashev, Dean of the 1st English Faculty, emphasized the significance of the conference and its anticipated outcomes. During the event, presentations included "Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy in Language Teaching" by Mavluda Gulyamova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of English Integrated Course No. 1, and Akromjon Kuldashev, Professor of English Language Teaching Methodology No. 1. Khalifa Paluanova, Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), also delivered lectures on "Competency-based Approaches and Methods in Teaching Foreign Languages." More than ten speakers participated in the conference, presenting their scientific articles related to the theme. The conference, aligned with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019, aimed to ensure the implementation of the higher education system development concept until 2030. It was conducted in Uzbek, Russian, and English languages, accommodating a diverse audience including leading scientists, professors, senior academic staff, experts, independent researchers, masters, and talented students. Following the conference, the articles were distributed electronically to the participants, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and fostering collaboration within the academic community.

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