In accordance with the schedule for organizing mass sports events by higher education institutions in September-October 2024, a mass sports event was held on October 4 at the Alexander Feinberg monument in the Alley of Writers under the slogan “Sports and Health — Our Dreams and the Source of Our Strength,” organized by the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages.

The program was conducted with the participation of N. Kadirova, Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of the Faculty of English Language III, tutors, and active students.

The event aimed to create conditions that meet the demands of the time for promoting a healthy lifestyle, particularly encouraging the younger generation to regularly engage in physical education and mass sports. It sought to strengthen the confidence of youth in their willpower, strength, and potential through sports competitions, cultivate feelings of bravery and patriotism, instill loyalty to the motherland, as well as systematically organize the identification of talented athletes among students and carry out extensive work directed at further developing physical education and mass sports.

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