Today, November 14, The "Hilton" hotel in Tashkent hosted  an event organized under the slogan "Investment in education - investment in the future".

The event was attended by representatives of the embassies of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany,the People's Republic of China, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, the British Council, the French Alliance, the Goethe Institute, and 360 pedagogues.

At the event, which was organized in order to inform the guests about the tasks set by the head of state in the field of foreign language teaching, to explain the plans for the next year, to demonstrate the skills of currently working foreign pedagogues to the general public, and to discuss emerging issues, the rector of UzSWLU Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov and the translators working at the university participated.

At the end of the meeting, a road map was developed with international partners for the further expansion of foreign language teaching in the coming year.

2023-11-14 06-54

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