Hashar - people's charity! Today, on the occasion of Navruz holiday, UzSWLU organized a public charity event hashar under the slogan "Prosperous and happy neighborhood - a view of the country" at 4 Zakovat street, Uchtepa district. Our people have a lot of values and traditions that other peoples of the world can learn and admire. One of them is hashar. Hashar is one of the forms of social cooperation and selfless assistance. Traditionally, cleaning, tidiness, beautification of streets, trees, maintenance of environmental cleanliness are included. With the participation of Rector of UzSWLU I. Tukhtasinov, students and professors, the dead branches of the trees around the territory of the university were cut, new tree saplings were planted. The environment was cleared of waste. Auditoriums, faculty building, corridors, ditches were cleaned.

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