On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the Constitution, a legal and educational event called "Constitution - a celebration of justice" was organized at the Faculty of English Philology of UzDJTU.
Officials of the Chilonzor district prosecutor's office, lieutenant Boboqulov Toshkanboy Makhmud, preventive inspector of the Chilonzor district IIO FMB HP, senior lecturer of the "History of Uzbekistan" department N. Teshabayeva, doctoral student of the university "Political science" department D. Eshbekov also took part in the event.
As those who spoke at the event admitted, it is necessary for every person living in the society to deeply understand the essence of the Constitution and to be able to find the solution of the problems encountered in his personal life in the Constitution. After all, the Constitution is a solid support and legal guarantee of the country's social development.
2023-12-07 05-20