Domestic tourism - spiritual promotion area
The tourism industry, in particular, domestic tourism, is an important branch of the economy of our country. Each region of our country has its own tourist attraction. Seeing historical monuments speaking from the ancient past, studying our rich heritage not only forms in everyone a sense of national identity, respect for traditions and values, but also develops feelings of pride, pride in the fact that he is a child of this land by studying the history of his homeland, ancestral heritage.
In particular, tutor Mashkura Saidova of the 2nd Faculty of English language of UzSWLU went to Samarkand with students of Group 2301-2310.
The journey continued, students took cultural recreation at the Imam Bukhari shrine, the mausoleum of the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, Registan Square and the newly established alleys.
2024-01-23 04-15