Department of Pedagogy and psychology

Kafedra haqida



Position and title: Head of the department, doctor of pedagogycal sciences, professor

Reception hours: 14:00-16:00 (Monday-Friday)

Tel.: +99894 1720080


The building where the department is located: rectorate building, 3th floor, room 311


The members of the department: 5 of the 22 full-time professors working in the department are doctors of science, professors; There are 9 PhD, associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 2 teachers and 3 intern-teachers. The scientific potential of the department is 64%.


Professors and teachers who have been working in the department have their place not only at the university level, but also in the socio-economic and spiritual development of our country. In particular, deputies of the upper and lower chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan (O.Musurmanova, H.Ibragimov, O.Jamoldinova), responsible employees of the Cabinet of Ministers (O.Musurmanova, T.Norbaeva), responsible employees of representative bodies of the governorship (F. Abdurahimova, A. Jumaev), ministers (G.B.Shoumarov), rectors of Higher Education Institution (H.Ibragimov, G.B.Shoumarov, R.Kadirov), vice-rectors (S.H.Fayzulina, N.Ortikov, D.Djuraev, O.Jamoldinova, N. Mamadov), responsible managers-employees of the ministries and departments of the Republic (T. Norbaeva, O. Musurmanova, I. Haydarov, O. Jamoldinova, F. Babashev), heads of departments and heads of departments (S. Yuldosheva , M. Jumaniyozova, A. Shamshetova, Sh. Halilova, B. Umarov, D. Roziyeva, M. Abdujabbarova, S. Atahanova, I. Haydarov, etc.) contributed and continue to contribute to increasing the position of our country in the world.

In addition, the activities of professors and teachers of the department are comprehensive, and they have been applying their pedagogical and psychological knowledge, skills and qualifications through community-based activities to educate the young generation as perfect people in our country.

Scientific activity

Professors of the department conduct scientific research with young scientists in the Master-student system. In particular: the development of the ideas of humanization of education in the history of pedagogy of Uzbekistan (late XIX th-early XX th centuries); Development of professional pedagogical communication skill among students; Psychological features of professional development of professors and teachers.

The following scientific projects are being implemented at the department:

Within the framework of the state scientific and technical program, under the leadership of D.Djurayev, for 2022-2023, the innovative project IL 21091378 on the topic "Formation of the system of psychological diagnostics of professional selection of professors and teachers in higher education institutions";

Within the framework of the state scientific and technical program, under the leadership of D.Djurayev, the practical project numbered AL-412104512 entitled "Making a multilingual electronic dictionary for the geographical objects of Uzbekistan";

The practical project  AL-7523011084, "Comprehensive research of Turkish and Uzbek (Chigatoy) manuscripts kept in German funds", planned for 2024-2026 in cooperation with the state of Turkey, was approved by the Turkish partners in the process of discussion of  ITC under the Innovation Development Agency.

Together with scientists from the Belarusian State University, a fundamental project is being prepared for participation in the 88th Uzbek-Belarusian joint project competition of the Agency for Innovative Development on the topic "Value directions and motivation of Uzbek and Belarusian students at the current stage of development of society: cross-cultural psychological research." Scientific research on the problem of the project is currently underway.

Educational activity

The professors-teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology conduct educational activities in the following subjects to the students of the uzbek and russian groups of all educational areas of the University:

General psychology (for 1st courses);

General psychology (for 2nd courses);

General pedagogy (for 3rd courses);

Continuous education pedagogy (for 2nd and 3rd courses);

Children’s psychology (for 3rd year courses);

Children’s pedagogy (for 3rd year courses);

Psychology (for 2nd courses).

Spiritual activity

The department of pedagogy and psychology regularly organizes in the student accommodation of the university "For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!", "Constitution - our happiness community", "My profession honor", "The effective ways of eliminating from crime, drug addiction, immorality that negatively affects the moral and moral condition of young people", "Spiritual threats on the Internet and ways to fight against them" activities aimed at forming a healthy outlook among young children about this kind of topics and strengthening their ideological immunity events that against information attacks are being conducted.

Partner organizations of the department:

  1. The main scientific-methodical center for the retraining of pedagogues and leaders of the higher education system under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the organization of their professional development.

  2. Academic Lyceum under the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages.

  3. Tashkent College of Personnel Management and Labor Protection.

  4. Chilonzor district 178-specialized state comprehensive school.

  5. Sirojiddinov Academic Lyceum under UzMU.

  6. Tashkent State Transport University.

  7. Bukhara State University.

  8. Samarkand State University (Department of Pedagogy).

  9. Republican Center for Children's Social Adaptation.

 10. General secondary school No. 58 of Yunusabad district.

 11. Chilonzor District General Secondary School No. 202.

 12. General secondary school No. 81 of Uchtepa district.

International cooperation of the department:

1. Southern Federal University (Russia).

2. Tashkent branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

2. Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov.

The professor-teachers of department:


Scientific degree    and position

In the main states


Djurayev Dusmurod Uralovich

Head of department, DSc., professor


Isakulova Nilufar Janiqulobna

DSc., professor


Murtozayeva Mahfuza Murtozayevna

DSc., professor


Shamshetova Anjim Karamiddinovna 

DSc., associate professor


Jumaniyazova Muhayyo Tajiyevna

DSc., associate professor


Yuldasheva Saodat Manofovna

PhD., associate professor


Aripova Matluba Lutfullayevna

PhD., associate professor


Sharipova Surayyo Burxanovna 

PhD., associate professor


Jumayev Axmamat Shermamatovich 

PhD., associate professor


Isamova Pakiza Shamsiyevna

PhD., associate professor


Davronova Dildora Saidovna 

PhD., associate professor


Pulatov Javdat Abdujabbarovich 

PhD., associate professor


Saparov Murad Yuldashevich

  PhD., senior Lecturer


Bozorov Abdusodiq Abdurayimovich

Senior Lecturer


Meliyeva Muattar Abdugafforovna

PhD., Senior Lecturer


Polvanova Dilrabo Tagaymuradovna

Senior Lecturer


Karimova Nilufar Xudayberdiyevna



Risova Galiya Baybulatovna



Xolboyev Asqarali Mirxoldorovich



Gulamov Jasur Bahadirovich



Nuralieva Barnaxon Urunbaevna



Mirzaaxmedov Sherzod Maxsudovich




Internal Standbies


Mamadov Norpulat Suyarovich

PhD., Associate Professor


Ataxanova Sayyora Utkurovna

Senior Lecturer



External Standbies


Nurmatov Abdumannon Abdubaxobivich

PhD., Associate Professor


Urishov Shokir Mamataliyevich 

PhD., Associate Professor


Medetova Raushan Mamadiyarovna

DSc., professor


Oqbutayev Jamshid Yuldoshevich



Ishanxodjaeva Iroda Avazxonovna





Dusmurod Djurayev Uralovich
Head of department, doctor of pedagogical scienses(Dsc), associate professor Department of Pedagogy and psychology

Ko`rish »

Axmamat Jumayev Shermamatovich
Pedagodika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Nilufar Isakulova Janikulovna
Pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Jasur Gulamov Baxodirovich
teacher Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Javdat Po`latov Abdujabbarovich
Psixologiya fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD), katta o'qituvchi Department of Pedagogy and psychology

Ko`rish »

Matluba Aripova Lutfullayevna
Pedagodika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Shokir Urishov Mamataliyevich
Pedagodika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Dildora Davronova Saidovna
Pedagogika fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Muxayyo Jumaniyozova Tojiyevna
Pedagodika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Pokiza Isamova Shamsiyevna
Pedagodika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Saodat Yo`ldosheva Manofovna
Pedagodika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Anjim Shamshetova Karamiddinovna
Psixologiya fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Abdusodiq Bozorov Abdurayimovich
katta o'qituvchi Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Nilufar Karimova Xudayberdiyevna
o'qituvchi Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Muattar Milieva Gafforovna
katta o'qituvchi Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Dilrabo Polvonova Tagaymuratovna
katta o'qituvchi Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Surayyo Sharipova Burxanovna
Pedagogika fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsent Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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Аскарали Холбоев Мирхолдорович
o'qituvchi Department of Pedagogy and psychology

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