On April 24, a book presentation for "Wises of Leo Tolstoy" by statesman and scientist Akmal Saidov took place at the National Library of Uzbekistan.

The event was inaugurated by Umida Teshabayeva, the director of the National Library of Uzbekistan. A roundtable discussion was conducted during the program, featuring Sirojiddin Rauf, the editor-in-chief of "Sharq yulduzi" and "Zvezda Vostoka" magazines, Ibrahim Gafurov, a Hero of Uzbekistan and renowned literary critic and translator, and Sirojiddin Sayyid, the chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

Participants from Uzbekistan State World Languages University, including Saida Kayumova from the Information Resource Center, as well as students and faculty from the Faculty of English Philology, actively engaged in the event.

2024-04-26 02-46

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