The Arabic language has been taught at the Uzbekistan State World Languages University for almost 50 years.

From the academic year 2019-2020, Arabic became a main foreign language taught in the direction of 60230200-Theory and practice of translation (Arabic language). Starting from the 2021-2022 academic year, the course 60230100-Philology and language teaching was established.

At present, about 400 students study Arabic as the main oriental language and about 1000 students study the subjects of the Second Foreign Language at our university. In the academic year 2023-2024, admission to the master's degree in the specialty 70230101-Linguistics (Arabic language) began, and currently 5 master's students have started their studies.

On August 26, 2021, the department of Arabic translation theory and practice was established, and the department prepares specialists in the fields of education 60230200 - Translation theory and practice (Arabic language) and 5120200 - Philology and language teaching (Arabic language). At the same time, classes on Second Foreign Language (Arabic) are held in all faculties of the university.

Since the establishment of the Department of Translation Theory and Practice of the Arabic Language, it has become a tradition to organize an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the International Arabic Language Day on December 18 on the topic "Arabic Language in the Era of Globalization: Innovative Approaches and Teaching Methodology".

Today, December 18, UzSWLU organized an international scientific-practical conference on the theme "Arabic language in the era of globalization: innovative approaches and teaching methodology" dedicated to the International Day of the Arabic Language.

Rector of the university I. Tukhtasinov took part in the event and gave a speech to open the event.

Also, at the conference, representatives of the university administration, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan K. Karimov, Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.A. Abdukhalimov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of Uzbekistan Al Sayyida Wafa Jabr Al Busaidi, Professor of Nazwa University of the Sultanate of Oman Dr. Saed Jasim al-Zubaidi, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Dr. Miloud Halfallah, students of UzSWLU studying at Al-Wadi University of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, a number of Algerian People's Democratic Republic and foreign experts participated. Experts gave lectures on the Arabic language.

In the artistic part, the winners of events and competitions organized in connection with the "Arabic Language Day at UzSWLU" were awarded. Festive performances were presented.

2023-12-18 10-10

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