On April 12-13, a group of members of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the First Faculty of English Language of UzDJTU participated in the international scientific and practical conference held in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the University of Peoples' Friendship named after Academician E.Kuatbekov.

Representatives of UzSWLU took part in this conference organized under the theme "Aktualnye voprosy sovremennyx issledovaniy: molodyoj i nauka" with their lectures.

For example, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.J. Isakulova's "Istoricheskoe Proiskhojdenie Pedagogicheskih Kontseptsiy", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.T. Jumaniyozova's "Problemy prepodavaniya humanitariannykh nauk v kontekte tsifrogogo humanitariannogo obrazovaniya", Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor A.K. Shametova's "Problem Arala i psikologia naseleniya", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Lectures by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.M. Murtazayeva on "Improving the development of ecopedagogical education of students" aroused great interest among the participants of the conference.

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