The next meeting of the Coordinating Council of UzSWLU was held consisting of members with the scientific degrees of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, professor, associate professor.
This evening's roundtable discussion was full of heated debates, scientists expressed their opinions on the topics discussed by various specialist councils.
Also, choosing the right topic of the dissertation is one of the main tasks facing doctoral students, independent researchers and their scientific supervisors and scientific advisors, the research work should be dedicated to the solution of current problems, moreover, the scientific novelty of the dissertation work is in the field of science. experts reported on the need to support its development.
Dissertation topics presented at the meeting were thoroughly studied once again, professors D.Kulmamatov, L.Ahmedova, N.Djusupov, doctors of science A. Karimov, A.Yuldashev, B.Torayeva, A.Mominova's suggestions and recommendations were approved.
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