On April 30, UzSWLU organized an event on the topic "Increasing the political and legal knowledge of women and girls, preventing domestic violence."

Members of the political council of the "Adolat" SDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Adolat" in cooperation with the State University of World Languages ​​of Uzbekistan, members of the political council of the "Adolat" SDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientists, professors and teachers and students and youth media workers took part in this event.

Rector of UzSWLU Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov took part in it and opened the event. Robakhon Makhmudova, chairman of the Political Council of the SDP "Adolat" of Uzbekistan, informed the participants about the creation of an audio book of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its creation. Also, deputy chairman of the Adolat SDP Political Council, Khamzayevich, editor-in-chief of the "Adolat" socio-political newspaper, Islam Khamroyev, "Prevention of violence in the family", employee of the crime prevention service of the Department of Public Security, lieutenant colonel Kunduz Jurayeva, "The role of women in the family and society", Italian Bahara Ergashova, head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Language Translation, laureate of the Zulfiya State Prize, gave lectures about the project "Nozik khilqat" aimed at ensuring the active participation of rural women in society in Uzbekistan.

The event, which was organized by the initiative of the University Women's Advisory Council, ended with a rich question-and-answer session.

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