We informed the rector of UzSWLU that 25 young people who need help and need attention have been assigned on the basis of "Youth balance".

Currently, a systematic "Roadmap" is being developed in order to find solutions to existing problems and shortcomings, taking information from them.

On April 8, the head of the university visited Ukhtepa district and studied the problems and shortcomings of 7 young people from "Katta Cho'ponota" neighborhood and 3 young people from "Hamdost" neighborhood in the district. Talking to the youth, their parents and representatives of the neighborhood, he asked about the needs of the youth in need of help, and noted that he will receive information about their condition every month and deliver all the necessary products and assistance.

It was agreed to hold meetings with each of these young people in cooperation with neighborhood prevention inspectors and youth leaders.

2024-04-15 01-52

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